Dream Again

with Bob Hazlett

  • (00:09) [Music] get up get out your seat live out your Desy get out Fe hi my name is Dean and I serve as the lead pastor at Real Life Church and I want to take a moment before we jump into the message just to say thank you first of all for engaging with the message we believe that this message is going to lift up your faith and lead you to encounter God through his word if you haven't already we would love for you to take a second and subscribe to our YouTube channel our online community is growing this way you can stay engaged and up toate on the

    (00:55) latest messages and this will help us to get the message of the Gospel out to you and and others again thank you so much for joining us from Sacramento and Beyond we trust you'll be blessed by the message today well Real Life Church happy New Year happy New Year what an honor to be with you again at the start of this new year last year we kicked off our world tour here at real life church and uh we've been to about seven different countries in countless States but I will tell you that we have incredible memories of last year because

    (01:29) nobody throws a New Year's Eve party like Real Life Church you guys know I don't we just call you the party church we didn't even call you real life church and so I'm I'm so honored to have Dean and Amy as friends and and uh I feel like an extension of the family and also my hero is here my wife Erica has given 12 years of her life to rescuing children from Human Trafficking and and has cared for more than 400 children that have been recovered from um human trafficking and she's here in the front

    (01:59) row with me um and we feel the same way about this church um hopefully have some time for her to come up tonight and share really excited about edify conference so hope you guys can come and you know if you don't know what the word edify means if you're kind of like that sounds like a churchy conference it just means build which means this is a year to build you had stuff break down you had stuff be torn down you've had stuff be lost in the last 3 years but it's time to build are you ready to build are

    (02:28) you ready to edify and and that was the message I had for your leadership team uh yesterday let's rise up and build so I think that's a great name for a conference I'm excited to kick it off tonight and that's at 6:30 is that right so enough time to watch your football games and get back for church and um my team won't be playing tonight so I'll be I won't even be distracted so that's good um I want to talk to you today you know I don't know if you know there's a little

    (02:55) Insider thing going on in the in the church Community especially around like prophetic people like some some people don't celebrate the new year at the new year did you know that cuz some people think God celebrates the new year but in September cuz that's kind of like the the Jewish New Year the Jewish calendar is different and so they don't like to celebrate it at the new year at the end of the Roman Calendar or when we celebrate it and and so sometimes you might get confused like when is the new

    (03:21) year is it September Is God working from that calendar is it now I want to tell you God celebrates the new you when you are ready to celebrate the new you like when's when is the new year when do you get make resolutions today whenever you want to so the new year is whenever you're ready to have a new you how about that right look to someone and say it's a new you it's a new year so I want to talk to you today because I believe this year is a year where God's giving you permission to dream again to dream again to dream

    (03:56) again and and we all go through series of Dreams we're going to look at Daniel chapter 2 in just a minute and there's a bunch of scriptures are going to refer to but only a couple I'll put on the screen but but you know if you know the story of Daniel in the Bible he was a dreamer however sometimes people that are dreamers come from the worst nightmare situations and if you can come from a nightmare and learn how to dream you'll actually help other people to dream so Daniel he grew up in Jerusalem

    (04:26) he came from an aristocratic family most scholars believe Daniel was there when Nebuchadnezzar came and ransacked or when Babylon came in and ransacked Jerusalem and we he was a young boy and as most young men that were of Waring age and that were educated they were taken away to be um Nebuchadnezzar's wise men are to be trained to be them so so Daniel was taken away literally in captivity and in chain think about it today we hear it in the news today of people being taken and being held hostage and this was a moment where

    (04:59) literally these men were trafficked to be slaves and Servants of highend and and King Nebuchadnezzar himself so imagine his nightmare starting when he was young he's watching his house burned probably his family killed his Temple destroyed the walls in shambles and he's walking away in Chains and he hears the voice of this crazy Prophet this crazy Prophet named Jeremiah and this crazy Prophet Jeremiah is watching the city go up in smokes and he's he's shouting at the top of his lungs as these children are being

    (05:33) led away in Chains here's what he's saying the words of Jeremiah 2911 anybody have that and someone here I know has that on the wall of your house someone went to Hobby Lobby and got that and stuck that everywhere because it says I know the plan that I have for you says the Lord a plan to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a future and a now now that Prophet was speaking those words while children were going through nightmares I want to tell you no matter what nightmare you've gone through that

    (06:14) God has already prophesied a new you and that seed of that word went into Daniel and I believe allowed him not only to become a dreamer to have a dream that his people would return that the church the temple would be rebuilt that the city would be restored sound familiar after years where churches were shut down and people are still scattered and we're still rebuilding cities and we're still figuring out how to reconnect and the nightmare lasted 70 years for Daniel but in the end his dream came true and I want to tell you personally I

    (07:00) I can I can relate to this story because I was a kid who was a dreamer I was a kid who suffered from severe nightmares night terrors nightly I would have terrible dreams I would hear voices I would literally feel things jump on me and say I'm going to kill you I almost on a nightly basis but several times a week would run as a little child into my parents bedroom and and say I had another bad dream and I remember almost nightly my mom was a good sleeper my dad was a light sleeper cuz he worked the swing shift at the steel factory so he

    (07:35) he was used to getting up at all hours he'd wake up and he'd pray the same prayer God help him to have good dreams help him to think good thoughts help him to sleep really good and then he sent me back to bed he he must have learned to get back to sleep soon too so he prayed quick prayers you know it was it was years that I had those and and when they finally did shut down um I actually shut down my ability to dream it wasn't until many many years later that I started to hear voices again but they weren't the

    (08:03) voices of the accuser they weren't the voices of the Destroyer they were Theo the voices of the father saying I know the plan that I have for you says the Lord I want to tell you that there may be some of you who' have gone through nightmares but I want to tell you it's time to dream again it's time to dream again let's take a look at Daniel chapter 2 starting with verse 20 I'm going to refer to some other verses but I'm going to talk to you about why you can dream again and how you can dream

    (08:30) again and what will happen when you do dream again in in in verse number 20 of chapter 2 Daniel has been approached by the captain of the King's Guard because the King Nebuchadnezzar woke up with a dream and and the dream was troubling to him and he wanted someone to interpret the dream he had all these wise men they were trained by different Sorcerers they were trained by different magicians they were trained by different Faith groups and then he had a group of men that had come from from from Jerusalem that were trained in the

    (09:05) ways of Yahweh that were trained in the god of creation and and he asked all of them to tell them what his dream was and interpret it and none of them could tell him the dream they said if you just tell us the dream we'll interpret it for you well Daniel was able to eventually interpret it and here's what he prays after he gets the answer to the King's dream so I'm going to give you the spoiler then we're going to go back and we're going to unwind this a little bit Daniel chapter 2: 20-22 Daniel answered

    (09:32) and said blessed be the name of God forever and ever for wisdom and might are his he changes everybody say changes changes he changes times and Seasons remember that time isn't time is something I actually had to change my watch just this morning I realized I was still in Central Time Zone and I changed it back and I'm like oh okay that means I can eat breakfast again that's good he changes times and Seasons now when I look at my watch it's set it's a set time but when I go to my other time zone I change the time

    (10:12) because I don't want to be in the wrong time because if I'm being if I'm in the wrong time I'm doing the wrong thing if I'm in the wrong time I'm believing the wrong thing if I'm in the wrong time I eat the wrong thing I look at the wrong thing I digest the wrong thing are you are you with me that you have to know the time time you're in and understand that you have a God who can put you in the right time even if you've been living in the wrong time God changes times and Seasons he doesn't just set

    (10:41) them he changes them he didn't you don't just have to live you don't have to just play the cards you've been dealt you don't have to live the life you've been given you don't have to do the things your parents did because God changes times and seasons and so he says this next he removes King Kings and raises up Kings he removes Kings and raises up Kings now this is a big deal here because Daniel served under Four Kings Daniel knew what it was like to have an evil King Daniel knew what it

    (11:12) was like to have an unjust King Daniel knew what it was like to have a clueless King Daniel knew what it was like to not want to vote for any of the kings that were running for kingship anybody feeling that these days so he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding he reveals deep and secret things he knows what is in the Darkness and Light dwells in him so ultimately Daniel is able to give meaning and fulfillment to the dream of someone who tried to kill him let me let me unwind this for you a

    (11:53) little bit Nebuchadnezzar wakes up in the middle of the night and it says that his Spirit was troubled because of his dream his Spirit was troubled because of his dream he thought he had a nightmare he thought he had a dream that was going to turn out for his detriment because when we fail to understand the dreams God give us gives us we will fail to do the right thing sometimes when God speaks to you and by the way this wasn't just a dream that Nebuchadnezzar was having this was a Dream from God Daniel told him this

    (12:44) dream is from God and it told him what would happen in his Reign which was good news and what would happen in the reign of the next one and the troubling part didn't come until long after Nebuchadnezzar and it was actually a Dream from God to Daniel saying I know the plan that I have for you says the Lord a plan to prosper you not to harm you to give you a future and a hope you see Daniel had gone through nightmares so he was able to give meaning to the dreams of others and when the meaning of the dreams of others came to fulfillment

    (13:15) they would actually fulfill his dreams you see Nebuchadnezzar didn't have hope in the Fulfillment of his dream so his reaction when his dream troubled him was to put to death the dreams of others if you can't have hope in the dream that God's given you you'll become a dream killer for others and I want to tell you any Dream from God is going to trouble you if you have a dream from God it's going to trouble you and in 1997 God called me out of a meeting in Pensacola Florida said I'm going to put my fire on your

    (13:53) life you're going to travel the world and you're going to bring Revival to the Nations that dream brought me trouble because three 3 months later I was homeless and unemployed because God couldn't get me to where I needed to be until he could remove me from the season that I was in because God changes the times and seasons and sometimes when you get your clock turned you feel like you're getting your clock clean and God is getting your clock clean cuz he's cleansing you from the last season and

    (14:22) he's bringing you into a new time because God sees you in your future and he won't leave you where you are and so Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar are perfect examples of how two people respond to a dream one person who doesn't know God is troubled by their dream and has no hope of it being fulfilled so he decides I'm going to destroy the dreams of anyone who could possibly help me what kind of wisdom is that but Daniel this is so interesting what happens in this whole entire conversation because some of the wise

    (14:54) men come to the king and say look if you would just give us the the the meaning or if you give us your dream make known to us the dream then we can tell you the interpretation and he says to them this is so interesting he said if I agree to speak the lying and corrupt words before me till till the time has changed he's basically saying you guys are trying to gain time so that you can change the meaning of my dreams it's all about understanding that dreams don't come true until time can be fulfilled and so this conversation goes

    (15:33) on and on and finally the King's Guard comes to Daniel and in Daniel chapter 2 ver14 D the the uh Captain is sent out to Daniel's house directly to kill him and I love what the Bible says it says that Daniel spoke with wisdom and tacked and asked the king for one more night the words that are written are very specific because Daniel asked with he spoke with wisdom intact I want to tell you something that I think is true in the season that we live that the world has lost the ability to have wisdom and tacted we could call that just

    (16:27) manners just like open the door for people pull out the chair for someone be kind say please say thank you if you want to go to Chick-fil-A my pleasure wisdom intact actually creates the environment for people to want to help you to step into your dreams and the world has lost the ability instead of wisdom intact we have Wise Cracks instead of wisdom intact we have wise guys instead of wisdom intact we have accusation defamation and destruction and that's exactly what Nebuchadnezzar was doing but Daniel said

    (17:11) give me one more night and what you have to understand is the Bible is written in a way where the story is told through words that give us revelation of how God moves and Daniel 2 verse 19 says and the mystery was revealed to Daniel in the night everybody say in the night in the night what time is it it's the night what time is it it's the night and if you're in a moment of time where you've gone through a nightmare and it feels like everybody's pursuing you to destroy your dreams you might be

    (17:57) in the night but it's in the night that the mystery is revealed it's in the night that God changes times and Seasons it's in the night that God raises up Kings and deposes them it's in the night it's in the night it's in the night when I wake up and I go to my father and my father prays for me it's in the night and I'll tell you the moment the moment that those nightmares ended for me was one night I had waken up with a terrible dream and I don't remember the dreams but I do remember that sometimes

    (18:33) during the day and it was every day can't say that it was all day long but every day a record played through my mind I don't know where I eventually found out where the seed for that song was planted in my life but the song went like this you're worthless and you should take your life you're worthless and you should take your life now it sounds almost like every country music song these days but uh it was a terrible spirit that followed me into my early adolescence and one night I walked into

    (19:09) my parents room and I said to my father I had a bad dream and he began to pray the pray he normally prays it was in the night and he put his hand on me his hand well I still feel his hand on my head and he said God help him to have good dreams help him to think good thoughts and then he stopped in his voice has changed his voice changed and he said and I command this Spirit of death and suicide out of his life and never come back in Jesus name and I just remember breaking down crying and going back to my room and I

    (19:45) don't know how long it took my father to get back to sleep I don't even know if he realized what he did and I didn't tell him for many years later but I remembered it because that voice was replaced with another voice I know the plan that I have for you says the Lord a plan to prosper you not to harm you and give you a future and a hope and Daniel could have taken the words of the king and the commander and said you you and all of your friends will be put to death and he could have said I'm going to run he

    (20:17) could have said I'm going to fight he could have got into his you know fight ORF flight mode but instead Daniel stepped back and said you know what I know what time it is it's the night and I know who I'm going to go to I'm going to go to my father and I want to tell you if you're in the night you can run to your father and your father's voice will still set you free your father's voice will still give you Victory your father's voice will change the times and seasons and it was in the

    (20:47) night and you would think that of course this you know how the story goes if you've read the Bible Daniel actually gets the dream he gets the whole dream he tells the the Nebuchadnezzar this this is what the dream was and he tells them the meaning of it he tells them everything and he's promoted and you would think that that is the good news that might be the message if you just fulfill someone's dreams you'll get your dreams to come true if you just fulfill someone's dreams you'll get promoted

    (21:14) you'll get the you'll get more money and can I tell you something when God's hand is on your life you will get promoted when God's hand is on your life you will be blessed when God's hand is on your life when you hear God's voice yes you will succeed at what you do but what Daniel got is better than a raise he got a revelation he got a revelation of his father he's like oh I get it now I'm not in Babylon I'm in the night season and in the night season God shows me who he really is

    (21:54) here's who my father is he's a god who changes times and Seasons he's a God who changes times and Seasons the Bible talks about time all throughout the scriptures the idea of time in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth but do you know what he first created there was morning and evening and the first day God created time when he created day he saw he created light and he called it light and when he called it light he it became day so in that moment he didn't just create light he created the idea of time and if he's

    (22:43) the creator of time guess what he's the changer of time this thing look what you know they say what uh 50s the new 30 something like that 40s the new 20 60s the new 15 I don't know what it is today but I want to tell you God's bigger than your 60s he's bigger than your 70s he's bigger than the decade that you're in because he's a God who changes times and Seasons that doesn't mean that your knees might be able to have to be taken care of that you need to eat a little bit better than

    (23:14) you were in your 20s because you thought you could eat McDonald's every day and now you realize you can't even you can't even drive by McDonald's without getting nauseous I'm just saying we change but he never changes but I want to tell you everything he touched changes and when God intervenes in your time it's time to dream again that's my first encouragement to you today is that we have a God who intervenes in time he's a God who intervenes in your clock he intervenes in your life he intervenes in the season

    (23:49) that you're in he has a way to restore the years the Locust has eaten he has a way to restore what the canker worm has taken he loves to make up for lost time he loves to break delays you know we F we started our our year here in Sacramento at real life church but we finished our year at um a place that we go annulate which I hope this becomes you know some sort of tradition for us because we love being here but for the last um about 12 years one of the final events I would do of the year was in uh Switzerland a national conference for

    (24:29) the vineyard churches in Switzerland which is in takes place in the capital of Switzerland something unusual happened and over the history of our relationship there we saw many miracles and things happened and they were particularly impacted by the effects of the shutdown and some things that had happened that had delayed some of their dreams even some building programs that they were in and some of it I was familiar with some of some of it I wasn't but I remember standing up on a a Saturday day night at the final night of

    (25:00) the conference and after I spoke I started to say these words that over the last three years there's been delay after delay after delay dreams that didn't come true plans that were never built and God wants you to know he is accelerating time in your life he's entering into your time he's making up for lost time he's breaking up disappointment and bringing hope again and I told them I I took a step out and I'm like God Give Me A Sign because sometimes we can just preach stuff but if we could see it we would really

    (25:32) believe it and Jesus said an unbelieving generation wants a sign I don't think it was a criticism it's like when you see something you believe it and so God's not afraid to give you a sign I said God give me a sign and and I and I the Lord showed me a picture and I said as a sign of this in the next day in the days ahead I see that there's going to be unusual lights come over the the Swiss Alps the mountains there and it was a wonderful night and as you might imagine there was a lot of energy in the room

    (26:01) and you know we shouted and praised and even if there wasn't energy because I said it I would have said to everyone shout and praise because it just feels better when people believe God's word but what happened was 24 hours later for the first time ever in Switzerland the Northern Lights appeared over the Alps in that exact City it was on the newspaper the next morning the pastor called me he said did you see this I'm like no and it's in German anyway what are they saying he he said it's a

    (26:31) miracle that's what he said it's a miracle I'm like it's a miracle God did what I said that's awesome he must feel bad for me I just want to tell you that God is intervening in your time God is changing times and seasons and seasons of delays are being broken and it's time to dream again it's time to dream again it's time to dream about the church that God can build here in SA Sacramento I know some of you were here in the Glory Days of the church in this city and you might say well the glory has left that

    (27:06) happened in the Bible IAB the glory has left but can I tell you there's another promise in the Bible the glory of the latter house will be greater than the glory of the former house I believe that's true of the church in Sacramento in California that there's a greater glory because God's changing the times and Seasons somebody should be shouting with me today about that the other thing Daniel learned about God he's a God who raises Kings and removes them now I don't think I don't think he

    (27:44) said that to Nebuchadnezzar I think that was just his his whooping and H hollering in his prayer closet I think that was just God saying sometimes God gives you a word that you need but it's not something you need to set tell to someone else because sometimes in order to keep your dream alive you can't tell other people what your dream is cu as soon as he says to Nebuchadnezzar yeah God raises up Kings and removes them then Daniel's going to be removed you know what I'm saying I don't think he went in there

    (28:11) going all cocky with his prophetic robe on I think he went in there to serve that King knowing that even if the king tries to kill me he can't because God's in charge yes you may be my king but he's my father yeah you may be the one who has the power over my life but he holds the whole power over the whole earth so God raises up Kings and depos them this is what I want to sell you for the second thing going to teach you a big word but I looked it up and I like this word and besides I need three eyes

    (28:42) and so this is my second eye God intervenes in time and God interdicts Earthly authorities and the word interdict is to tear down to break off some of us have been tied together with Earthly systems that have limited us us some of us have been tied together with mindsets that we've had since we were a child that God is about to break through some of us are connected to past seasons of our life and the the authorities that came into our life in past seasons are still trying to control us addictions and and belief systems and and things

    (29:19) that are dependencies but I want to tell you God's breaking off your dependency of Earthly systems and he's releasing a kingdom system into your life and he'll make up for lost time he'll make up for lost seasons one of the the final meetings of that we were in this year we were in Dallas um Fort Worth area and it was a church somewhat like this where there was three um morning Services there was actually a a Saturday night service and then three morning services and then we had a night so thanks for

    (29:50) giving me light work today and I and the services were all 65 minutes I think each and I had about I think I had 32 minutes to teach and Minister and and I remember in the worship saying God you're not limited to time you're not limited to time I can teach I don't have to teach for 45 minutes I can teach for 25 minutes and and I can I don't have to pray for two hours well I did yesterday but not today I I said I could just pray I just ask you for one miracle in a short period of time that shows me and shows

    (30:24) people that you can come into a room in five minutes and change a life I asked him I specifically asked him I want a word of knowledge of healing that is so miraculous and happens so quickly that it's undeniable that you love to move into situations and change time and I and I wrote down these words God wants to heal someone with severe this was for that for that Saturday night service severe digestive issues that can't be medically cured and nothing like I've ever heard of before it's the only words

    (30:56) I could give to it and I know I mean I had a few digestive issues yesterday you know when I ate some hot spicy stuff so everybody might have a tummy ink this morning but I asked I I made that statement and and this one woman stood up in a crowd maybe a little bit larger than this and so the odds were somebody's stomach hurt them that night but this woman stood up I prayed for her and I made this statement God is healing you but he's also restoring you for the last seven years and he's making you who

    (31:26) you would have been s years ago and um I didn't know understand her story but we later on found out that she had been um throwing up blood couldn't eat food for about this bab was eight weeks or eight months I can't remember eight months and she had taken tests hadn't received the results of the tests but she came back that um Sunday night for the the healing service and she actually said that she had eaten three meals in in 24 hours and she had gained three PBS I think there's probably a miracle cuz

    (32:00) most women are going to testify about gaining weight I'm just saying not many men either so let's just say that too and and she emailed us the next week and said I just got the results of my test um I feel better but the tests say I have a non-functioning pancreas I might have pancreatic cancer and it's incurable and this is a result of the lifestyle I led before before I received Christ but I received Christ seven years ago and you said I would be restored back to where I was seven years ago and

    (32:35) I I had to think wow God this is amazing so she went back and got the test and we asked her to send us the results and the results came back a week later completely functioning pancreas no pancreatic cancer she was completely healed I want to tell you when God changes times and seasons he removes Kings he removes authorities he removes infirmities he removes sickness he removes the things he removes the death sentence from your life and when the death sentence is removed you can dream again that's what Daniel was saying I had a death sentence

    (33:14) but now I have a dream I had a death sentence but now disappointment has been destroyed and I have a dream and I want to tell you some of you may had a death sentence but now you have a dream the third thing is here's what Daniel found out about God he reveals deep and secret things and he knows what's in the darkness he reveals deep and secret things and he knows what's in the darkness this is the third thing I wrote my third eye God inputs Heavenly ideas into Earthly moments God inputs Heavenly

    (33:51) ideas into Earthly moments you know I love that God calls us and he chooses us but I think many times the calling of God on our lives and we're all called the Bible says you were chosen in him since before the foundation of the world so I'm not the only Chosen One Dean and Amy aren't the only Chosen One You're The Chosen One say I'm chosen you're chosen in him and it says you were predestined to be adopted in love you are chosen to be loved you were chosen to be a son and daughter you were chosen

    (34:30) to have an inheritance you were chosen but one of the things I love about God is he takes the things that try to destroy us to create the dreams that are about to make us he takes the things that tried to destroy us the kings that gave us a death sentence the loss of the past family and system and the la loss of the past places we were he takes the things that were meant to destroy us to make us dream again when I stood on in June 26 1997 in Pensacola Florida and that a pastor spoke to me those things that night I

    (35:16) went home and had constant dreams and Visions from God I I literally like I I I I couldn't I didn't sleep at all CU God was showing me places where I would go he was showing me people that would be healed I saw a massive Sea of Faces in front of me and I I saw myself speaking it was the the strangest thing but I want to tell you it's because whenever you get over the death sentence whenever God raises Kings and brings them down he releases new dreams to you it's time to dream again it's time to dream

    (35:51) again I believe that this week this edify conference is going to be be a moment in time where God is going to intervene and change your time he's not just looking at you and say you've been living through a bad time he's saying I know the plan that I have for you a plan to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a future and a hope and maybe he's delivering you from being a dream killer today maybe you've had a hard time dreaming about what can happen in the lives of your children or your family members

    (36:33) around you because you've been living in a nightmare situation that's stolen your dreams maybe today God wants to deliver you from The Nightmare you're in and guess what the good news is Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost so he seeks and saves Lost Dreams he seeks and saves lost moments would you do me a favor and stand with me to your feet I ask the Lord today as we close in just a minute and we'll come back tonight and and have time for for personal Ministry and I felt like though

    (37:18) particularly there was someone here and before I before we close in prayer I feel like there's someone here that God wants to shift something dramatically for you and I felt like it was a a a surgery that's scheduled that's about to be cancelled and I feel like that there's someone and I and asked her what is it the surgery and I saw um two knees and so I felt like there may be someone here who who needs a knee replacement but God wants you to know he inter intervenes in time is there anyone who

    (37:48) you're scheduled for a surgery right now for any anything uh I want to I want to just pray for you or you have a issue with a knee that needs to be healed I just want to pray right now for that because I really believe right now that God can intervene in time it's hard for me to see in the dark so um you just raise your hand if not okay thank you sir I appreciate that all right so we're going to pray for that in just a moment in just a moment but I also want to I also want to take a moment and I want to acknowledge the

    (38:19) fact that the we the reason that we can dream is because Jesus died the reason that we can dream is because he had Nails in his hand thorns in his head spear in his side he bled in the places where he wanted us to be blessed so father right now let's just reach a hand to this this gentleman over here father in Jesus name it's because of your stripes we are healed and father I declare right now and even over this room God I pray right now for you to begin to restore appendages I speak right now to this knee in Jesus name to be completely

    (39:17) restored cartilage to be restored in Jesus name I thank you Father in the name of Jesus I when I reached my hand over here too I I felt like the Lord's about to touch some people that um have been trying to have babies but can't and I really feel like it's going to be a sign this year over this church that it's time to dream again that there are going to be Barren wombs that are get open get ready get the nurseries ready get the cribs ready because God is about to open up Barren wombs and help people

    (39:48) to dream again in Jesus name God we thank you for that and I want to just declare to you that God is removing the death sentence over your life how did he do it is he took death on himself and if you're here today and you've never received Jesus into your life the Bible says that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation all the old things have passed away and everything has become new and the way that we can walk into that newness of Life Is We believe who Jesus said he is the Son of God we believe he

    (40:29) did what he said he would do he died and he rose again and literally Apostle Paul says that the death sentence against us was destroyed and that Jesus brings us into life to the full just want you to Bow your head and close your eyes with me just for this moment just before Pastor Dean comes up and if you're here today and I know if you're here at the early service you probably have prayed this prayer before but if you've never received Jesus into your life had that death sentence removed today can be the

    (41:08) day where you dream again you dream because you know you become a child of God you dream because you know he chose you you dream because he loved you you dream because he dreams for you so is there anyone today here in this place that wants to receive Christ as their savior either for the first time or say I'm going to dream again I'm coming back that's you just slip a hand up and we're going to pray together in just a moment thank you thank you thank you thank you in the back let's say everyone eyes closed and every head is

    (41:41) bowed let's just pray this together out loud all of us and if you pray this prayer um I would encourage you to come up afterwards and receive prayer as a Prayer Ministry team comes up but let's let's pray together all of us dear Jesus dear Jesus come on let's say it with our outside voices dear Jesus dear Jesus I believe you're the Son of God I believe you the Son of God I believe you died for me I believe you died for me I believe you Rose again I believe you I ask you to come into my life I ask you

    (42:07) to come into my life make all the old things new make all the old things new make all the dead things alive alive in Jesus name in Jesus name and if you prayed that prayer the death sentence has been removed your time has been shifted and God is about to release ideas from Heaven into the Earth for you it's time to dream again as Pastor Dean comes up to close us just turn to two people give him a high five and say dream again amen hey once again thank you for joining us real life's Church's mission

    (42:40) is to engage real life Embrace real people and encounter the real God and we want you to know that you are a part of that mission we also want to make sure you know about the best way to keep in the know about everything that is happening at real life church and and that's through our church Center app you can actually go and download it at the App Store but through this app you can give check out all our small groups look at our community events and even update your personal information we'd like also

    (43:10) to take a moment and thank all our generous donors through your gifts we are able to make a difference for God's Kingdom in our community and around the world there are a couple different ways you can give you can give through the church Center app as I mentioned via our website at RLC sac.

    (43:29) com or text give and the amount to 84321 also don't forget again to subscribe to our YouTube channel RLC sack TV so you can stay up to dat and encourag with the latest message we'd also love to connect with you on other social media channels where we share everything real life see you next [Music] time


Holy Advantage


Worth the Wait