Practicing the Principles of God
Pillar #5 - Pillar of Knowledge & Understanding
Proverbs 2:6 NIV
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”Proverbs 9:10 NIV
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”Knowledge (da’at): It refers to knowledge that is deeply rooted in the fear of the Lord, encompassing not just intellectual understanding but also practical and spiritual awareness.
Revelation Knowledge - a supernatural unveiling of truth by God. It builds faith, empowers believers to live according to His will, and deepens their relationship with Him. It often complements human understanding but always points to God’s ultimate wisdom and purpose.
1 Peter 1:15-16 NKJV
but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”Holy: To be consecrated, specifically dedicated or made holy through the authority of a Holy God who has called you to be holy and live a holy and devoted life to the Lord
Knowledge of the Holy One is set apart for the one who sets themself apart
Proverbs 20:5 AMP
A plan (motive, wise counsel) in the heart of a man is like water in a deep well, But a man of understanding draws it out.Understanding (bina) - represents discernment, the ability to apply knowledge effectively.
Proverbs 14:6 NLT
A mocker seeks wisdom and never finds it, but knowledge comes easily to those with understanding.Proverbs 17:27 NIV
“The one who has knowledge (da’at) uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding (bina) is even-tempered.”Pillar # 6 - Pillar of Discipline
Proverbs 4:13 NIV
“Hold on to instruction (musar), do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.”Discipline (musar) - It is the God-ordained process of training and correcting a person to grow in wisdom, righteousness, and godly character. It is often translated as “instruction,” “discipline,” “correction,” or “training.”
Instruction and Teaching
Proverbs 8:10 NIV
“Choose my instruction (musar) instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold.”Discipline and Correction
Proverbs 3:11-12 NIV
“My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline (musar), and do not resent His rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those He loves.”Only 35% of Christians regularly read scripture, yet 78% said they desire more wisdom in decision-making. - 2024 Lifeway Study
Warning Against Rejecting Discipline, Correction, Teaching & Instruction
Proverbs 13:18 NIV
“Whoever disregards discipline (musar) comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.”Proverbs 15:32 NIV
“Those who disregard discipline (musar) despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding.”Proverbs 19:27 NIV
“Stop listening to instruction (musar), my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.” -
[Music] hi my name is Pastor Jesse and I serve as the executive Pastor here at Real Life Church at RLC our vision is to engage real life Embrace real people and encounter a real God I want to take a moment before we jump into the message just to say thank you first of all for engaging with the message we believe that this message is going to lift up your faith and lead you to encounter God through his word and if you haven't already we would love for you to take a second to like And subscribe this way you can stay engaged and upto-date on
the latest messages again thank you so much for joining us from Sacramento and Beyond we trust that you'll be blessed by the message today we are in the fourth week of the first series of 2025 principles of powerful living we've been talking about the Seven Pillars we've only got uh to four pillars we've been talking about the Seven Pillars that need to be set up in your life this year and we've derived this entire series out of Proverbs chapter 9 verse one that says wisdom has built her house how many want to build
your house with wisdom in 20125 and it says she has set up seven it's seven pillar pillars and so we've been learning these Seven Pillars that have to be set up in our lives to experience the power of principle living in 2025 the first pillar that we learned was the fear of the Lord and we learn that the fear of the Lord is is literally not just how we apply the word but how we approach the word how many know the word is Holy and so when we when we approach the word how many know Jesus is the word we approach it as holy we are in
reverence we are in awe we're acknowledging the power of the word in our lives that's pillar number one pillar number two was a teachable heart how many many know we have to have a heart that listens come on open the heart of uh Open the Eyes of My Heart open the ears of My Heart Lord I want to see you I want to hear you we also have to have the a receptive heart we have to be able to receive God's word for our lives again the Proverbs the word of the Lord is for everybody not just special people all right and then our hearts
need to be pliable they need to be soft they need to be able to stretch listen I believe God is going to stretch us listen so he can do incredible things in our lives in 2025 and then Pastor James last week talked about righteousness and Justice how many know come come on we just can't talk to talk we got to walk to talk and so he talked about uh a right walk right talk and a heart aligned with God's will today we're going to look at pillars number five and number six but before we do let's pray
Holy Spirit set us up for a powerful life in 2025 God I pray as your people practice your principles Lord I pray that we would experience together God the goodness and the abundance and the fruitfulness God of your word god active and moving in our life Lord I pray these things in Jesus name and everybody said amen and amen in 2019 a team of about 30 of us uh from Real Life Church traveled to Israel and Jordan and we T all of Israel it's a amazing to see stories that we read in the Bible come alive and then after we were done sightseeing in
Israel we headed over to Jordan which is way different when you cross the border you literally could feel the spiritual oppression of that Nation but they still have some beautiful sites we've seen Mount Neo where where Moses supposedly saw the promised land and all these beautiful sites and as we wrapped up our our tour in Jordan we actually stopped at a hotel right by the Dead Sea have you guys read about the Dead Sea in the Bible nobody all right let's go home all right all right the Dead Sea is amazing because of
the natural characteristics uh that it has the first thing that that you go that you learn about the Dead Sea is that you can float effort effortlessly in the Dead Sea and the reason why is the salinity the salt water is 30% salt compared to for example the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean which is 3.
5% anybody almost drown in the ocean before besides me right this right here you can just like look at me just kick back and you're like you become a floating air mattress on the Dead Sea it's absolutely amazing another thing you can see Amy and I standing there it's a beautiful it's actually the lowest place on Earth it's, 1410 ft below sea level beautiful landscape this is my favorite one of my favorite things about the Dead Sea right here there's no sharks no sharks to worry about no seals to worry about no killer Wells no sting
rays no jellyfish nothing can live in the Dead Sea so you can act as Brave as you want to act not even seaweed can grow in the Dead Sea so no fish no worries no fish no worries you may have heard of the Dead Seas remarkable minerals and healing therapeutic properties people from all over the world travel to Israel and Jordan to heal their skin and rejuvenate their bodies you see the water and mud of the Dead Sea are packed with minerals like magnesium calcium and potassium which are reputed to have heling properties these minerals are renowned
because they can only be found in one place in the entire world they can only be found in the de sea the unique combination of elements in this region cannot be duplicated anywhere else no matter how much science or technology how it advances what makes them so valuable is their exclusivity and their ability to bring life to dry damaged skin in fact I couldn't get the picture cuz I didn't want you guys to see my my body in a bathing suit but Amy and I got out and we just covered ourselves with mud I mean mud from the top of my head
all the way down to the bottom of my feet and then they have showers on the side and you rinse off the mud and I'm just telling you I was silky smooth I mean come on I was smoother my skin was smoother than the baby's behind Hallelujah in the same way there is wisdom knowledge and understanding that cannot be found anywhere else but in God himself Proverbs 9:10 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy one is understanding just like you can't find Dead Sea minerals in any other body of
water in the entire world can I tell you today you can't find true wisdom knowledge and understanding and worldly philosophies self-help self-help strategies or human intellect they are exclusive to God and God alone because they flow directly from his nature you see what makes this knowledge and understanding so powerful is its ability to heal and transform not just our minds but our lives and so when you're reading Proverbs you'll always see knowledge and understanding coupled together there's so many verses with
knowledge and understanding in the Book of Proverbs together there's too many to list but you'll see these words connected together you see knowledge and understanding rejuvenates the way we see the world guiding us through life's complexities and giving us Clarity in times of confusion and just like those who seek the healing minerals of the Dead Sea we must make an intent make an intentional Journey like we have been through the Book of Proverbs in the month of January we must intentionally seek God to gain the
knowledge and understanding only he can provide so I have good news this morning if you are seeking wisdom for a decision or if you're seeking knowledge and understanding in a confusing or painful situation the answers you need are found exclusively knowing the Holy One you see the world yes the world will offer you cheap imitations of wisdom quick fixes empty promises and temporary solutions but true wisdom is rooted in reverence for God and relationship with him it brings me to pillar number five that you need to have set up in your
house for a successful 202 2025 and it's this the pillar of knowledge and understanding the word knowledge is mentioned in the Book of Proverbs 42 times the word understanding is mentioned depending on what translation you read a minimum of 38 times and other translation 52 times again Proverbs 2:6 for the Lord gives wisdom from his mouth come knowledge and understanding they work together this word knowledge in the Hebrew is D everybody say d this helps me kind of memorize the definitions of the word so I want to
give you the original language in Hebrew everybody say that D it refers to knowledge that is deeply rooted in the fear of the Lord encompassing not just intellectual understanding but also practical and spiritual awareness there is a knowledge and this is this is what I want you this is how I want you to remember it it's that knowledge that knowledge come on just turn to your neighbor say do you have that knowledge it's that knowledge you only can get from God and God alone it's that knowledge not any other
kind of knowledge but it's that knowledge there is a knowledge that has been set apart from all other types of knowledge information education and instruction and it's called the knowledge of the Holy One you can't get it anywhere else you can't buy it from anybody else you can only get it from him and him alone knowledge that is deeply rooted in the reverence awe and respect of all who God is all What God Says and all that he does it is a knowledge that is intellectual it is spiritual and it's practical how many
know it's got to be practical come on it just can't work up there it's got to work down here on Earth come on and God wants to give us all of it at the same time I call it Revelation knowledge Revelation knowledge is a supernatural unveiling of Truth by God how you know God is truth it builds faith it empowers Believers to live according to his will and his ways and it deepens their relationship with him how many you want to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus and the power of the holy spirit
in 2025 and it complement listen human understanding but it always points to God's ultimate wisdom and purpose in our lives and for our lives you see the only way that you and I have access to this knowledge that has been set apart is for us to be set apart the only way that we have access to this knowledge come on that has been set apart for us is for us to live set apart so if you want to tap into the knowledge of the Holy One you yourself have to be one who is Holy you say Pastor Dean are you telling me I have to live holy what I'm telling
you today is If you claim to be a Christ follower you have to start walking in the Revelation That You Are Holy because when you walk in the Revelation That You Are Holy how many know you'll live holy I'm telling you by experience that when you live as though you've been set apart catch this you will discover the life that God has set apart for you many of you are frustrated because you're not experienced the fullness of who he is in your life what he has set apart for you because you haven't set yourself
apart there is no mixture in the Kingdom he calls you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light he wants to break every chain in your life listen so you do not live in bondage but you live in the freedom of the Holy Ghost first Peter 15 first 1 Peter chap 1 verse 15-1 17 says this but as he who calls you is Holy how many you know God is Holy but as he who called you is Holy you also be holy in your conduct verse 16 because it is written be holy for I I am Holy that word called there he who called you is Holy that word called
there in the Greek is calo calo means this the authority of the one who calls you dictates the nature of the calling in other words God is not calling you by name listen he's calling you according to to the new nature that resides inside of you as a Believer this is why listen this is why we see name changes in the Bible he called Abram Abraham Abram listen grabed to hold of God by faith and God called him Abraham instead of Abram he was speaking to the new nature inside ABR he said no longer are you an exalted father you're going
to be a father of many nations he called them according to his he did the same thing for his wife Sarai Sarai means mother he called her Sarah mother of Nations you see when God calls you it's not just an ordinary common call this word actually illustrates the Summons of a king the Summons of a president the summon to to put an urgent Demand on somebody's new nature not your name your new nature you see when God who is Holy calls you he's putting a demand on the new nature to overcome the sinful nature
so that you can live holy and powerfully this is why when he calls you sometimes we can be fearful of the call cuz we're looking at our flesh we're looking at our natural natural man and God is not speaking to our flesh he's not speaking to our natural man he is speaking to the new nature on the inside of you so he's saying hey I'm calling you by Nature come on spirit of God inside of you rise up look at this I I want to go to this isn't on the screen but I want to go to 2 Corinthians 5:1 16 so you can see what
I'm talking about he says this Paul from now on therefore regard no one according to the flesh regard no one according to the Natural man even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh we regard him thus no longer therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a what creation he is a new creation with a new nature therefore if any was in Christ he's a new creation the old has passed away come on the new has come God has some new things come on to invite you into in 2025 it's a holy call everybody say a
holy call call and God is calling you not just to have a revelation That You Are Holy But to answer the call and application to live holy and set apart let me just give you an example so that you can maybe wrap your mind around what I'm trying to communicate today uh many of you know that in 2020 my son was uh drafted by the Green Bay Packers well there's a lot that happens by the time he graduated from the University of Cincinnati up until draft day he went to the Senior Bowl all 20 whatever teams interviewed him and then when he got
home two weeks before the draft he was getting all these calls and so I would come home and I said hey Josiah who called you today he'd said oh the Buffalo Bills I'm said the Buffalo Bills the Buffalo Bills called you I go you're going to be catching balls from Josh Allen come on you going to beat the Chiefs come on I'm getting rebuked on the front row right here and he said Dad Dad Dad calm down he said it's just an interview come home the next day I said Josiah who called you today he said the 49ers and Cowboys I said the
49ers and the Cowboys they called you he said Dad calm down calm down it was only the position coach it was just an interview I was like it's just an interview yeah fast forward two weeks the day of the draft he was projected to come in the fifth in the seventh we knew he wasn't going to go in the first round but I was was believing for a supernatural second round or third round pick and sure enough we're there it's almost the end of the second day and the phone rang in fact I'm not even going to
tell you about it I'm going to contrast come on just the interview to this call man I appreciate that I'm so excited what I'm so excited Julian Julian [Music] Julian my go yeah man thank you guys so much I'm so ready to be [Music] attacker thank you so much so much all right talk to you soon oh my God you say what was different about
that call it was the nature of the call it wasn't just a position coach it was the general manager Brian gakin saying we are selecting you in the third round the 9 fourth pick and the nature of the call changed everything for Josiah's life everything changed because of the nature of the call and can I just say this to you if we understood the nature of God's call in our life something would shift something different would happen and you know how I know listen you know how I know we don't understand
the nature of his call because two years ago we sent out Pastor Damian and Stacy and we were excited and we were fired up and we said we're sending Pastor Damien to Loi and everybody went oh are you kidding me and look at what God has done he took a church of 60 and I just talked to Pastor Damien now it's running 800 people what would happen if we understood that nature of the call listen that when somebody called Pastor James pretty soon he's going to get a call Howen if you're like come on Pamela sunrise over here in
Jamaica come on that we get excited about what God's doing that everything changes because the call is Holy he setting you apart for his purpose and his plan and the promises that he has for you and we will see missionaries and we will see Church planners and we will see nonprofit leaders grow to influence our community and our world for the kingdom of God right from this place why because we understand the nature of the call it's holy everybody say it's holy it's holy that call you got to understand the
nature of the call it set apart jiah in the category of 1.6% of college football players who make it to the NFL and separated him from the 98.4% that never get a call and as I was studying this I felt like the holy spirit said it's flipped upside down in the kingdom of God he said 98.
4% of my people are called by their new nature but many don't respond because they don't understand they don't understand that the call is Holy that you don't have to do it in your own strength he said to Jeremiah I've called you a fearful Jeremiah the weeping prophet he said I've called you before the foundations of the earth to be a prophet to the Nations if he would have looked at his natural self said God you must have had a mistake but listen when you understand the nature of the call anything is possible holy means to be
consecrated specifically dedicated or made holy through the authority of a holy God who has called you to be holy and to live a holy and devoted life to the Lord you see when you understand the holy nature of his calling this is what I know you won't settle for the common come on you won't settle for the ordinary you won't settle less for Less in your life you won't lower your standard no no no no you'll lift the standard of your living to the standard of the word you won't compromise who God
has called you to be because he himself has called you holy you're not calling yourself holy he's calling you holy we're not asking you to be holier than thou looking at your nose down being Pharisee and hypocritical no no no no no no no you say Pastor Dean what's that look like it may look like setting apart some of your day to seek him without distraction it may look like setting apart yourself on your lunch hour at work to read your word it may look like setting yourself apart and setting money
aside and going on a missions trip for 10 days it may look like setting yourself apart as a single person and date according to God's standard not your standard it may look like setting yourself apart for a couple of years to attend Bible school or whatever it is what I want you to get listen God has some things set apart for you that you can only gain access to when you set yourself apart knowledge of the Holy One is set apart for the one who sets themsel apart the other side of this pillar the other side of this pillar is
understanding Proverbs 20:5 says a plan how many you ever got a plan before motive wise C in the heart of man is like water in a deep well but a man of understanding draws it out that word understanding in the original language and again I just like the Ring of these words and they help me memorize them a little bit is the word in Hebrew beina everybody say beina beina the word beina means and represents discernment it's the ability to apply knowledge effectively we've all been at the place anybody have a problem they
needed to Gods to solve for them anybody have a situation or circumstance where you needed God to show up listen where you needed principles you needed some knowledge listen that you didn't have from going to college and getting a ba or your master's degree you truly needed God you needed a download anybody ever got a download before and we've all been there we've all been there by our bedside or wherever your prayer time is ask God God I need a breakthrough word for my for my marriage I need a
breakthrough word for my career for my job I need a breakthrough word for my family and my relationship for my kids I need a breakthrough word God for my life in 2025 and we're praying and we're seeking him and we're honoring him and we're fearing the Lord we're in awe and reverence of who God is and all of a sudden ding anybody have that moment before come on were you all of a sudden it's a thought and you know it's from God cuz you're not that smart anybody else besides me you're and you're going
man God just gave me the idea come on God just gave me the solution to the problem and then all of a sudden you're like thank you Lord for that knowledge thank you God I'm so excited God that you downloaded the knowledge but how you know you can't stop at knowledge cuz how many you know knowledge puffs up and so just like proverbs says it says a man of understanding draws it out in other words listen knowing is not enough applying the word is where breakthrough happens listen all of these principles for powerful living that we
find in Proverbs listen are accessible for everybody they work for anyone come on anyone anywhere anytime all you have to do is begin to digest them get them in your spirit start practicing them but listen don't stop there draw it out with understanding that ability listen come on apply it to your marriage come on how you know you apply the word to your marriage your marriage will get better come on how you know you need to apply it to your leadership man people talking to me about Lord give me a solution help me to be a better leader
God I need help with my children my children anybody been here are out of control oh train up that child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart Lord help me with my temper anybody got a temper in here oh oh stop don't put a Log on the Fire come on put stop putting the Log on the Fire and when you do you'll quench that fire oh Lord help me help me with my money wait this is I'm going to overflow it right now God I honor you with the first of all I have and when I do God you said my barns wouldn't be big enough
to hold all that you have for me oh God help me with my relationships just like our brother said today you have a friend that sticks closer than a brother you have to listen you can't just get happy with knowledge come on how many you know there's no need for Revelation knowledge if there's no application of the knowledge and God said listen the word says a man or a woman of understanding just doesn't rejoice in the knowledge they actually apply it and when they do they become effective in every area of their life
everybody say every area you've got to get this Vision you got to get this Vision that the word works for everybody Proverbs 14:6 says a mocker seeks wisdom and never finds it but knowledge comes easily I love that God's not trying to withhold anything from you what he's waiting for you to do is do something with the knowledge that he's already given you see this is what I know listen we are quick to quote the word we are slow to obey the word and some of you are saying God's not talking to me God's not
talking to me he's not speaking to me cuz you haven't done anything with the knowledge that he already gave you and he's waiting for you listen not to get puffed up about the knowledge how you know folks listen there's people that I talk to they know the Bible better than I do they memorize it they man they said I've known this since the third grade I've been memorizing they know the whole Bible but they don't have common sense they know the whole Bible but they don't have understanding they've never
effectively applied it to their lives everybody say uhoh don't allow the knowledge God gives you to become Pride that prevents you from really understanding how to apply God's principles to your life and to real life situations pillar number six and I close with this is the pillar of discipline the pillar of discipline Proverbs 4:13 is says this hold on to instruction do not let it go guard it well for it is your life that's a good mission statement for somebody's 202 right there another translation says it
this way hold on to discipline do not let go guard it because it is your life that word discipline in the Hebrew is the word musar everybody say musar it sounds a lot like muscles that's how I'm remembering it it is the god-ordained process of training and correcting a person to grow in wisdom righteousness and godly character it is often translated in in the in the Old Testament especially in Proverbs every time you see the word discipline it also means instruction correction come on how you know we're all right with the word
discipline but not correction training it can involve both positive teaching and painful correction but its ultimate goal is to bring about spiritual maturity and alignment with God's ways it involves both receiving guidance and submitting to corre correction as part of a lifelong process listen I don't want you to be discouraged because things when you're applying the word come on they don't happen overnight let me try this side over here I don't want you to get discouraged because when you apply the Proverbs
things don't happen overnight come on it took you 30 years to get you in the position you are now come on how you know it might take you 3 years to get out of the situation listen don't get discouraged if things don't happen overnight understand listen that God's process can sometimes take a lifetime sometimes listen God is still working in areas of my life and I've been a Christian 32 years it didn't happen overnight sometimes it happens over a lifetime Proverbs 8:10 says choose my instruction instead of silver knowledge
rather than Choice gold Proverbs 3 11 and 12 says my son my daughter do not despise the Lord's discipline the massar Do Not resent his rebuke or his correction because the Lord disciplines those he loves what I want you to grasp is that knowledge of the Holy One and understanding how to apply it effectively to our lives does not happen overnight it happens over a lifetime of discipline correction receiving teaching and instruction in other words what what God shows you is meant to shape you but how you know it takes a while sometimes
to from fall from our head to our heart and when it falls to our heart it begins to shape us and change us there is a statistic or a survey that went out uh last year and it says this it states this that only 35% of Christians regularly read scripture yet 78% said they desire more wisdom in decision making how many know there's a disconnect 35% of Christians regularly read scripture yet 78% said they desire more wisdom top how many know we despise wisdom listen the 78 we're not fearing the Lord when it
comes to the word of the Lord so 35% of Christians know God's word but 78% don't know his will because they never apply it to real life situations it's kind of like me I have a pelaton bike when the pandemic came I canceled all my gym memberships Amy and I did and uh we got a pelaton bike and I ride that pelaton bike uh three to four sometimes five times a week and next to my pelaton bike is a row of beautiful dumbbells and every time I get on the pelaton bike I just think about how big my biceps could be
I think about listen that like if I ever picked up those dumbbells and started uh exercising with him that one day I would be welcome to the gun show but because I just look at those and I just say ah maybe tomorrow oh maybe next week I've been telling myself since I was 30 then 40 then 50 that this year I'm going to get in the best shape of my life anybody with me but listen to this day I'm still getting on the pelaton and saying man look at that row of dumbbells but how me know listen if I want to change come on
my biceps come on I have to do the Reps come on nothing is going to change unless I discipline myself I train myself I make some corrections in my exercise routine and you might be know I got the lightweight so I could do this all three services you see if I don't get the Reps how could I ever expect the results and a lot of us listen we want the results but we don't want to do the Reps and that's just how we are when it comes to the word of God we've got our Bible but we're too busy we got to get to work
we didn't set apart time in the morning Lord I'll get to that another time Lord I didn't I didn't download a bible plan I wanted to start reading in Proverbs with the church but Lord I'll do it next year not even next month next year God I want these principles of powerful living functioning and activated in my life but Lord I just don't got time to apply the word to my life but how many of you know come on if you want the results you got to do the Reps come on listen if you want a better marriage you got to do the
Reps if you want a better attitude you got an anger issue and you want to not be a hotthead any longer you got to do the Reps if you want a different outcome in your finances you've got to honor the Lord with your finances not just one Sunday not just one month but how you know you got to do the Reps if you want different results you have to do the refs or what God shows you will never shape you and the things that God shares with you come on God wants those things to show up in your life so he can show off
in your life there's some things listen that God has for you get this he has set apart for you but you yourself have not taken time to set yourself apart listen to what he says about somebody who ignores discipline whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame but whoever heeds correction is honored anybody in here just like looking forward to poverty and shame in 2025 but this is just the reality of it right it's this simple listen the Proverbs the word of go it's not just for the anointed
Pastor it's not just for the Chosen Few those are who are ministering it's for everybody those who disregard discipline despise themselves anybody looking to despise themselves but the one who heeds correction gains understanding stop listening to instruction my son my daughter and you will stray from the words of no I don't know how I got here today Pastor Dean you never thought listen ignoring that thing that call you didn't understand the nature of the call and now you're way way way out of God's
Will and today how you know all all of that can change listen whether you knew it all and you used to go to church and you no longer go to church but you found yourself in this building today or maybe you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ and you want to begin to see your life change that all can happen in just a moment by trusting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and today we've probably had about 15 people say you know what I've had enough of doing it my way and I'm ready to submit my
life to the word of God and I'm ready to pick up I'm ready to to to to seek for seek God for a Heavenly download and and then apply it to my life and then have that discipline where God can train me and correct me and instruct me and train me so that I can get to where God has called me to get in my life so what every head bowed and every eye closed today maybe you're saying pastor Dean I don't know Jesus I don't know his word hey that's okay it could all change in this moment if you want to receive Jesus
Christ as your personal Lord and Savior you would just say Pastor Dean will you include me in the prayer that we're about to pray we say Pastor Dean will you pray for me today if that's you again we've had yes in the back the very back there yes yes right here in this section right up here over to the side anybody else you'd say Pastor Dean will you pray for me yes in the back we see your hand right here in the front right here thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord how many know holy spirit is
moving today come on God is moving today listen if you rais your hand or maybe you wanted to raise your hand but didn't we're going to pray this prayer salvation and what I want you to do is with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength I want you to really I really want you to just lean in to God and say God desperately just cry out to him as we pray this prayer the words are on the screen on the count of three we're going to pray it together the entire church on the count of three
1 2 3 dear Lord Jesus I know that I'm a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead right now I turn from my sins invite you to come into my heart and life I want to trust and follow you from this day forward I confess you as my personal Lord and Savior thank you for saving me in Jesus name amen amen can we give these 10 people or so that lifted their hands man God is moving mightily in our midst and I just want to encourage you if you raise your hand you didn't raise
your hand but you prayed that prayer and you meant it we believe you got born again and we'd love to put a new believer's New Testament in your hands today as well as greet you in the back my friend Jeff is in the back we've got a class starting to just lay a foundation in your life as a new believer we want to come around your life as a family and so we encourage you to do that stop by the back the I decided Banner back there and we'll put that into your hands will you stand and as our prayer ministers come listen this
is what I want to challenge you with listen I know I know because when I'm preaching to you come on I preached this already three times actually three times this morning and probably two or three other times just in my house preaching to myself so I know listen I know if God is putting finger on things in my life I know he's putting it fingers on your heart of things in your life and so I want to challenge you listen if you need to respond in any area of your life listen and you want to apply the powerful principles of God's word and
see come on the results that God has set apart for you listen don't leave with without prayer you need healing in your body let us pray for you you need healing in your mind let us pray for you how many you know God has something for each and every one of us today listen will you lift your hands I want to pray for you then respond to him accordingly if not we'll see you Wednesday night 6:30 father I pray in Jesus name God that we would set ourselves apart for the things that you have set apart for us Lord I pray that you would remove all
obstacles all mountains in the mighty name of Jesus and I pray that you would encourage and Infuse your people's heart with hope God knowing that with you and through you we can all we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us father we thank you and we praise you today in Jesus name and everybody said amen and amen can we give God praise thank you so much for watching this message we pray that it encouraged you today we also want to say thank you to our generous donors through your gifts we are able to make a difference for
God's Kingdom in our community and around the world and if you'd like to partner with us in giving you can text give and the amount to 84321 or you can visit our website catch up with us on all our social media platforms to stay up toate see you next time [Music]